The College Admissions Process is the focus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.’s signature youth program for the 2018-2022 administration. International president, Glenda Baskin Glover, developed the #CAP initiative as a tool to assist junior and senior high school students “in their effort to enter college by providing a hands-on approach that includes all steps from researching various colleges to actually completing the application process.”
Delta Lambda Omega chapter, in Shreveport, Louisiana, successfully completed its first academic year of the #CAP program! The year included sessions on navigating the admissions process, writing a personal statement, researching and narrowing college choices, creating an American College Testing (ACT) account and applying to take the ACT. Other topics of discussion included understanding the difference between the ACT and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), creating a Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) account and completing the FAFSA application, conducting cscholarship searches, and completing scholarship applications. Participants also engaged in community service projects, creating a vision board, and completing a personal academic portfolio. Throughout the academic year, the students earned points for their attendance, completion of projects, participation in community service projects and completion of their portfolios.
On Saturday, May 25, 2019, #CAP held its first Awards Ceremony. Twelve students received their certificate of completion. In addition, Janae Williams received the award for Best All Around participant! Janae, a Huntington High School senior, is the daughter of Pastor & Mrs. Joe Gant. For her diligence, hard work, and consistent participation, Janae received a new iPad. In addition, there were three winners in the portfolio competition. The first place winner was Kristen Taylor! Kristen, another Huntington High School senior, is the daughter of Arenceia Taylor. For her tenacity, Kristen also received a new iPad. The second place portfolio award went to Symone McLemore. Symone, a Captain Shreve High School senior, is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Taylor. She received a $100 cash award for her efforts. The third place portfolio award went to Natalya Brooks, a senior at C. E. Byrd High School. Natalya is the daughter of Mr. Johnnie Marsden, III and Ms. Tiashaw Brooks. Natalya received a $50 cash award for her efforts. To add to the excitement, Mrs. Helen Smith, Ivy Crown Community Services, president attended the ceremony to present the scholarship awards. Three $500 scholarships were awarded to #CAP participants. Scholarship recipients included Natalya Brooks, Symone McLemore, and Kristen Taylor.
This year’s program of #CAP was a phenomenal success with a phenomenal impact on the participants. The next cycle of #CAP will begin in August 2019, and Delta Lambda Omega is looking forward to providing hands-on assistance to another group of ambitious students. Chairman of the #CAP committee is Lisa Myles Jackson, and Connie Seets Reynolds serves as president of Delta Lambda Omega chapter.
Photo: Helen Smith, Ivy Crown Community Services, President; Lisa Jackson, #CAP Committee Chairman; Kristen Taylor; Natalya Brooks; Adrian Turner; Jenece Hamilton; Connie Reynolds, Chapter President; Carolyn Spikes, Chapter Vice-President